Standard Svensk standard · SS 627750

Energiledningssystem - Kravspecifikation

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN 16001:2009
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Standard Svensk standard · SS 627750

Energiledningssystem - Kravspecifikation
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This standard specifies the requirements of an energy management system which enables an organisation to formulate an energy policy and energy objectives, while taking into consideration legal requirements, as well as the knowledge of which factors influence energy use. The standard demands continual improvement in the way of improved energy use efficiency and/or increased use of renewable energy and/or increased
energy exchange with the rest of society. The standard is valid for factors affecting energy use that can be monitored and influenced by an organisation. The standard does not, however, give any specific criteria for the use of energy.
This standard is applicable for every organisation that wants to:
a) implement, maintain and improve an energy management system, separately or within the framework of
an existing management system;
b) ensure compliance with its own expressed energy policy;
c) demonstrate such compliance to others;
d) certify/register its energy management system with an external organisation;
e) conduct an internal assessment and report on compliance with the standard.
All the requirements of the standard should be included in the energy management system. To what degree this is applicable depends, however, on factors such as the organisation’s energy policy, the conditions under which the organisation operates and how it operates. The scope of every application of this standard has to be identified.


Energiledningssystem (04.010) Ledningssystem för miljö (04.100) Miljöledning (13.020.10)

Köp denna standard

Standard Svensk standard · SS 627750

Energiledningssystem - Kravspecifikation
Prenumerera på standarden - Läs mer Dölj
Pris: 875 SEK
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Pris: 875 SEK
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Språk: Svenska

Framtagen av: Effektiv energianvändning, SIS/TK 558

Internationell titel: Energy management systems - Specification

Artikelnummer: STD-34694

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2003-10-24

Antal sidor: 10

Finns även på: SS 627750

Ersätts av: SS-EN 16001:2009