Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 15156-1:2015

Petroleum- och naturgasindustrier - Material för användning i miljöer innehållande H2S i olje- och gasproduktion - Del 1: Allmänna riktlinjer för val av ej sprickbenägna material (ISO 15156-1:2015)

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 15156-1:2020
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 15156-1:2015

Petroleum- och naturgasindustrier - Material för användning i miljöer innehållande H2S i olje- och gasproduktion - Del 1: Allmänna riktlinjer för val av ej sprickbenägna material (ISO 15156-1:2015)
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This part of ISO 15156 describes general principles and gives requirements and recommendations for the selection and qualification of metallic materials for service in equipment used in oil and gas production and in natural-gas sweetening plants in H2S-containing environments, where the failure of such equipment can pose a risk to the health and safety of the public and personnel or to the environment. It can be applied to help to avoid costly corrosion damage to the equipment itself. It supplements, but does not replace, the materials requirements given in the appropriate design codes, standards, or regulations.This part of ISO 15156 addresses all mechanisms of cracking that can be caused by H2S, including sulfide stress cracking, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen-induced cracking and stepwise cracking, stress-oriented hydrogen-induced cracking, soft zone cracking, and galvanically induced hydrogen stress cracking.Table 1 provides a non-exhaustive list of equipment to which this part of ISO 15156 is applicable, including permitted exclusions.This part of ISO 15156 applies to the qualification and selection of materials for equipment designed and constructed using load controlled design methods. For design utilizing strain-based design methods, see Clause 5.This part of ISO 15156 is not necessarily applicable to equipment used in refining or downstream processes and equipment.


Utrustning för petroleum Allmänt (75.180.01)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 15156-1:2015

Petroleum- och naturgasindustrier - Material för användning i miljöer innehållande H2S i olje- och gasproduktion - Del 1: Allmänna riktlinjer för val av ej sprickbenägna material (ISO 15156-1:2015)
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Korrosion i jord och vätskor, SIS/TK 146/AG 64

Internationell titel: Petroleum and natural gas industries - Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production - Part 1: General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials (ISO 15156-1:2015)

Artikelnummer: STD-8016230

Utgåva: 3

Fastställd: 2015-09-20

Antal sidor: 24

Ersätter: SS-EN ISO 15156-1:2009

Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 15156-1:2020