Standard Swedish standard · SS 29000:2024

Measurement of social and environmental impacts — Terminology

Status: Valid

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Standard Swedish standard · SS 29000:2024

Measurement of social and environmental impacts — Terminology
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I detta dokument anges termer och definitioner för mätning av sociala och miljömässiga effekter.


Terminology (01.020) Labour, employment (03.040) Governance and ethics (03.100.02) Social responsibility (04.130) Environmental management (13.020.10) Environmental projects (13.020.70)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS 29000:2024

Measurement of social and environmental impacts — Terminology
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Price: 590 SEK
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Price: 590 SEK
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Price: 944 SEK
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Product information

Language: Swedish

Written by: Svenska institutet för standarder

International title:

Article no: STD-82087078

Edition: 1

Approved: 4/29/2024

No of pages: 12