Railway applications — Markings of railway vehicles — Part 1: Freight wagons
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SS-EN 15877-1:2024
Railway applications — Markings of railway vehicles — Part 1: Freight wagons
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This document specifies the markings on heavy rail freight wagons, or parts of heavy rail freight wagons, relating to their technical, operational and maintenance characteristics. It specifies the characteristics of these markings, the requirements pertaining to their presentation, their shape and position on a rail vehicle and their meaning. Some markings are accompanied with (a) note(s), where appropriate.
Tank manufacturers’ design criteria, test and product specification plates have not been considered in this document as they are specified in EN 12561 1:2011.
Where fully specified in RID [14] dangerous goods markings have not been considered in this document (dimensions, colour, location and form). Where markings are not fully specified in RID they are included in this document.
Railway applications — Markings of railway vehicles — Part 1: Freight wagons
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