Standard ISO standard · ISO 7027-2:2019

Water quality -- Determination of turbidity -- Part 2: Semi-quantitative methods for the assessment of transparency of waters

Status: Valid

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Standard ISO standard · ISO 7027-2:2019

Water quality -- Determination of turbidity -- Part 2: Semi-quantitative methods for the assessment of transparency of waters
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This document specifies the following semi-quantitative methods for the assessment of transparency of waters:
a) measurement of visual range using the transparency testing tube (applicable to transparent and slightly cloudy water), see Clause 4;
b) measurement of visual range in the upper water layers using the transparency testing disc (especially applicable to surface, bathing water, waste water and often used in marine monitoring), see 5.1;
c) measurement of visibility by divers in a destined depth, see 5.2.
NOTE The quantitative methods using optical turbidimeters or nephelometers are described in ISO 7027-1.


Examination of physical properties of water (13.060.60)

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Standard ISO standard · ISO 7027-2:2019

Water quality -- Determination of turbidity -- Part 2: Semi-quantitative methods for the assessment of transparency of waters
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Price: 760 SEK
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Price: 760 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: ISO

International title:

Article no: STD-80009376

Edition: 1

Approved: 1/18/2019

No of pages: 12

Replaces: ISO 7027:1999