Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 437

Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS-EN 437
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 437

Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories
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This standard specifies the test gases, test pressures and categories of appliances relative to the use of combustible gases of the first, second and third families. It serves as a reference document in the specific standards for appliances that fall within the scope of the Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of Member States concerning gas appliances.
The standard makes recommendations for the use of the gases and pressures to be applied for the tests. The full procedure will be given in the corresponding appliance standards.
NOTE: The test gases and the test pressures specified in this standard are in principle intended to be used with all the appliances in order to establish conformity with the corresponding standards.
However, the use of some test gases and test pressures may not be appropriate in the following cases:
- appliances with nominal heat input greater than 300 kW;
- appliances constructed on site;
- appliances in which the final design is determined by the user;
- appliances constructed for use with high supply pressures (notably direct use of the saturated vapour pressure).
In these cases, the specific appliance standards may specify other conditions of test in order to establish conformity with their requirements.


Cooking ranges, working tables, ovens and similar appliances (97.040.20)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 437

Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories
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Price: 1 320 SEK
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Price: 1 320 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: SIS - Materialteknik

International title:

Article no: STD-14973

Edition: 1

Approved: 5/20/1994

No of pages: 38

Replaced by: SS-EN 437