Standard Swedish standard · SS-ENV 14459

Method of risk analysis and recommendations for the use of electronics in systems for the control of gas burners and gas burning appliances

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS-EN 14459:2007
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ENV 14459

Method of risk analysis and recommendations for the use of electronics in systems for the control of gas burners and gas burning appliances
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This European Prestandard specifies the control functions of electric and electronic controls that are used to prevent unsafe operation of gas burners and gas burning appliances. For this purpose this European Prestandard specifies methods for the assessment of function blocks with regards to their fault behaviour and preventative measures. Function blocks which are not covered by dedicated control standards (see annex A) are within the scope of this prestandard. An electric or an electronic device which contains a control function is based on the principle that it provides the same safety level as other technologies (e.g. mechanical solutions).


Gas supply systems (91.140.40) Gas heaters (97.100.20)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ENV 14459

Method of risk analysis and recommendations for the use of electronics in systems for the control of gas burners and gas burning appliances
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: SIS - Bygg och anläggning

International title:

Article no: STD-33499

Edition: 1

Approved: 1/17/2003

No of pages: 23

Replaced by: SS-EN 14459:2007